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Isabelle Stell

. French artist, architect and industrial designer born in Lille

. Graduated from the School of Architecture of Versailles 

. Graduated  from the National School of Decorative Arts in Paris (ENSAD)

. 1997, works 2 years as an industrial designer in Hamburg 

. 2000, works 2 years as an architect in New York 

. since 2004, works for international luxury retail brands such as Louis Vuitton,

    Yves Saint Laurent, Loewe Donna Karan, Shiseido, Judith Leiber

. 2015 'Those little things' sketch book blog creation

. 2016 Exhibition ‘those little things’ at the Francoise Sagan Media center in Paris

. 2017 Publication of the book ‘Ranger.’, Marie-Claire Massin editions

. 2019 designs for brands whose authentic, life-long "know-how" somehow retains

    the connection between tradition and modernity


She continues to make personal drawings printed in limited edition.



Isabelle Stell is an illustrator born in Lille. She has degrees from the School of Architecture of Versailles and from the National School of Decorative Arts in Paris (ENSAD).

As an architect and industrial designer, she lived in Hamburg, New York, Paris and gained an experience of 15 years in the international luxury retail field.

In her spare time, self-taught in illustration, she draws poetic and offbeat daily life that she publishes on her blog "those little things*, affirming her taste for simple and effective ‘sketching on the spot’.

Her drawings have been exhibited in 2016 at the Françoise Sagan media center in Paris and published in the book 'Ranger' for the editions Marie-Claire Massin in 2017.

In 2019, she decided to focus full time on illustration.

Influenced by her strong retail merchandising experience for high end retail clients (Louis Vuitton, Yves Saint Laurent, Loewe, Donna Karan, Shiseido, Judith Leiber), she developed her advertising and press business, designing for brands whose authentic lifelong know-how twists between tradition and modernity, taking part on brand image projects as an artistic director as well.

Her work also contains more personal drawings printed in limited edition.


‘* Those little things’ is a collection of color sketched "micro-stories", a focus on the daily life smallest bits.



. Artiste, architecte et designer industriel née à Lille

. Diplômée de l'école d'architecture de Versailles

. Diplômée de l'école nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs de Paris

. 1997, travaille 2 ans à Hambourg

. 2000, travaille 2 ans à New York

. depuis 2004, travaille pour des marques de retail luxe international comme          Yves Saint Laurent, Loewe, Donna Karan, Shiseido, Judith Leiber

. 2015 création de son carnet 'those little things'

. 2016 exposition those little things à la médiathèque Francoise Sagan à Paris

. 2017 publication du livre ‘Ranger.’ aux éditions Marie-Claire Massin

. 2019  développement de son activité en publicité et presse, dessinant pour            des marques dont le savoir-faire pérenne twiste entre tradition et modernité,      intervient également sur des projets image en qualité de directrice artistique.

Son travail se compose aussi de dessins plus personnels qu’elle réalise en tirage limité.
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